diz page are not related t0 any0ne or anybody. but..if any,,maybe it juz a coincidence..PeaceNoWar~

s e t p e e r s [ part I ] ~~~ desaru

1st stop-er..do our  a compulsory-must  job

finally arrived! happy b4 worst thing appeared,..opps!

lotus entrance for a few minutes

night darky back of lotus

posing before leave,,uhuk3

ready ready ready.they are waiting

neo - transport - she's car 

nice background

hot hot weather

fierce-supposed to be

set girls <3

five of us

weird,hihi,,but looks good

3 c0MmEnt0e~:

JeR@Ns said...

cam menarik je kt c2..
jom la dtg sini tgk2 gmbr2 terbaru

aLieF si Muncung ManiS said...

best nye dpt bercuti2 malaysia bersama kwn2..waaa,,semua perempuan ke pergi??jeles tgok..lepas ni alief pun nak plan gi situ juga..mcm best je tmpat tu..awak,kalau awak free,,sudi lah dtg jenguk blog alief..kalau awak rasa blog alief best dan okay dibaca,,awak follow taw..tapi,kalau awk rasa kurang best,,jgn follow.tapi,,kena tinggalkan komen atau kritikan membina supaya alief boleh tingkatkan mutu penulisan alief..thanx taw.. alief tunggu awk dtg ke blog alief.. http://aliefcmoi.blogspot.com/

niMizisa~ said...

Thank you all! ;D